David August – DCXXXIX A. C. (2018)

Exciting new-age ambient scores in cinematic layers and fluid moods.

There are times when searching for a particular sound seems to be extremely hard. You spend days, weeks, maybe months browsing and finding nothing. One day you get to a random source and your heart is suddenly filled with an endless warmth and salvation. Listening to DCXXXIX A. C. is like travelling among worlds, each track representing a different location. It would be too easy to call it a drone ambient as the music is multilayered in every aspect. One glimp of an eye you wake up by the new age sunset, feeling the chilling breeze of the bright future. The soft horns welcome the listener to the Rites of Spring, leaving person egoless once the climax is reached. Awaken and freed. Further developing into the guitar-toned Fragments, the Halo brings up a neo-classical harmony. There is a little bit of Bruno Sanfilippo (Theory of Colors), Mark Morgan (Muses and Ashes) and an endless scale of contemporary influences. In David’s case this is more of an uplifting fact. While the author recalls old times, from my point of view some songs are very futuristic. The Underground could be a perfect fit for the Altered Carbon OST for example. Like the heavy fall of a landing car into the suburbs followed by ancient voices and sirens. Despite shorter songs (around 3 minutes) they still manage to leave long-lasting impressions without forcing the listener to shift moods rapidly. 9/10

Similar sounds: Ben Frost, The Caretaker, Brambles

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